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HomeLifestyle3 Significant Reasons Why Your Child Crawls Backwards First

3 Significant Reasons Why Your Child Crawls Backwards First


Crawling is important for the development of your child. Every child begins crawling at their own pace. For parents to see their little ones initiating physical movements is in itself a milestone. If you are a parent and have experienced your child getting involved in physical movement, you are bound to be overjoyed.

But sometimes, the crawling of a child also makes the parents anxious. If you notice your child crawling backwards instead of moving forward, you would likely worry. But you should know it is perfectly fine if your child crawls backwards instead of forward.

Below we have mentioned the reasons for your child to crawl backward first

Stronger arms

You often see your child using her arms a lot, this is because he or she feels stronger on her arms rather than legs. When they start to learn to crawl, they prefer to pick the easiest way to do it. This strength of the arms leads to pushing instead of pulling ahead resulting in a backward movement. Some babies struggle to maintain balance and posture while crawling but as their legs get stronger, they probably learn to crawl forward too.

Upper body exercise

Many mothers encourage arm exercises and make their babies rest on their tummies. This move helps in strengthening their upper body. Besides this, the exercise also provides support to their neck. Following this, the child’s upper body becomes stronger and hence they find it easier to crawl first on their arms instead of their legs.

Take time to get habitual with crawling

When the child starts crawling he needs some time to understand the mechanics of crawling. As all the strength is primarily focused on the upper part of the torso, your child takes time to start pushing her body ahead with her legs. But after some time, the child starts getting to understand the importance of crawling forward and initiating the forward movement as their legs start getting stronger.

How to motivate your toddler to crawl forward

Use toys to make her learn how to push herself forward

Babies learn the most by observing therefore crawl forward and backwards to make them learn.

Repeat the tummy exercises and this time shows her how to use the legs properly.

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