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HomeBusinessGoogle Ads: A perfect Ally for your Digital Success

Google Ads: A perfect Ally for your Digital Success

If it’s been a while since you have heard the term ‘Google Ads’ but have very little idea about its implications, then scrolling this guide is worthwhile to your time.

Google has always been a wingman to handhold digital marketers to the accurate solutions their business demands. Out of all those, Google Ads is one of the most popular tools.

Initially known as Google Adwords, it is a tool that lets you enjoy your content or webpage at the top of SERPs. Despite being a paid mode of advertising, it provides leverage to outshine every competitor by ranking high on the search engine. With 8.5 billion searches every day, Google Ads eliminates extra efforts to attain ranks as well as provides an opportunity to enjoy the competitive advantage to the fullest.

Not only to the marketers, but Google Ads also have created a new market space to provide top-notch Google Ads Services to the businesses who needs it or are too occupied to focus on digital marketing.

 Let’s get more informed about it through this blog!

What is Google Ads and How Does it Work?

Google ads is a platform to pursue Pay-Per-Click campaigns. With time this platform due to its high ranks and immense trust invested by the target audience, has gained popularity among all the other platforms.

You might have seen search results at the top when you searched for something relevant to those ads. For example, if you type in the search box ‘Best Dog Food’ then you might have faced a top result of a brand providing similar products. However, these ads are distinguished with ‘advertisement’ or ’sponsored’ tags as they are not organic.

Have you ever thought that even if you have put the best of your SEO efforts into ranking organically, still it can be of no avail, as your competitors will rank higher with the support of Google Ads?

This is one of the main reasons to pursue this paid advertising method. 

Now that you have become familiar with Google Ads, it is crucial to understand how it works. Like every digital marketing approach, you have to follow some steps to achieve its results, let’s see what are those:

  • Keyword Bidding By the Advertisers

The very first touch point from where it all starts is keyword bidding by the advertisers. It means the advertisers have to bid for the keywords they want to get their ads as a result on at the SERPs. This bidding can consume a budget starting from bucks to dollars. For the same, advertisers can create their monthly budget to keep the process under control.

Google Ads provides full access to your direction in this process which means you can end, pause, or continue the advertising as per your budget.

  • Initiative of Search Experiences

Once the bidding is done, the advertisements are telecasted. There can be various advertisements for the same type of product or related to identical keywords. To bifurcate ranks in this situation Google performs keyword quality score tests as well as generates merits based on budget advertisers have bid for. 

After the ranks are put into action, it appears whenever someone searches for the relevant keyword. Google Ads makes sure that due to advertising, the search experience of users must not be hindered. Hence, your advertisement will only be reflected when someone searches for it.

  • Potential Customers Get into the Loop

Once, your keyword is searched and the Google Ads has performed its role. Now, it is the surfer’s intuition and your brand’s prevailing reputation that lets these surfers click on your advertisement. 

Once they enter your website, they can be your potential leads, if your website is well-built, possesses quality products/ services, and has top-notch content.

So this is how Google Ads can increase your brand visibility, but one thing that must not be ignored is that it’s your efforts that will pay off, Google Ads is just a tool. Hence, compromise on quality or website design can’t be entertained in this highly competitive market space. 

Types of Google Ads

Along with giving the best search results, Google Ads makes sure that you can enjoy publishing advertisements wherever you think the highest scope lies. Keeping this in mind, Google Ads makes sure to provide you with the best options for it.

It provides mainly 4 types to perform campaigns:

  • Search Ads

Search ads are the ad campaigns that you often see at the top of search engine result pages. Often distinguished with sponsored or ad tags, these ads are reflected on the most visited corner of Google itself.

  • Display Ads

Ever visited a webpage that had ads with compelling CTAs and attractive images? This form of persuasive ads falls under display ads. Display ads have the power to draw the attention of a user from the content published on that webpage and completely enjoy the attention.

It also benefits the publisher (on whose page the advertisement is published), as they get paid whenever someone clicks on these ads. This is why it is called a Pay-Per-Click advertisement campaign.

  • App Ads

If you are an app developer or owner, then you do not have to juggle the best place to place your promotional ad as you can simply go for the Google App campaign which promotes your application directly on the Play Store. Probably the best place to interact with your target audience.

This works the same, whenever someone clicks on a relevant keyword your application would rank in the queue.

  • Video Ads

It’s 2024 and who won’t be familiar with video ads? Well, if you still don’t get it, one more hint for you. It is mostly seen on YouTube and is telecasted before or in the middle of the video.

With the decreasing focus of internet users, video ads are the best option to pertain to the attention of the target audience without cringing them about the time they have to invest.

Big brands like Whisper and Dorset, have made it to successful campaigns by infusing creativity and storytelling into it.

Final Thoughts

It won’t be wrong if we say Google Ads are just the digital version of billboards. Both of them work to attract traffic, doesn’t matter on the road or online. Both of them demand a budget according to the placement. Simply, Google Ads are too inevitable to beat this competitive market landscape.

However, it may be possible that your company might face difficulty in managing both the operations and marketing single-handedly. For which, there are so many digital marketing agencies that can provide you with the best Google Ads Services hitting the desired results.



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